Monday, April 25, 2011

Tot School - Letter C - Cats

This week Little M worked on the letter "C" and learned about cats.  We used The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Suess as our spine book.
The Cat in the Hat

We read this one alot and he almost has the enitre book memorized so I wasn't sure how it was going to go using it this week but he liked reading it "for school."  He completed THIS lapbook and used some minibooks about cats that I found at Homeschool Share.

Activities included learning what the letter "C" sounds like and words that begin with "C."  He practiced using scissors and counting cards with pictures of cats on them.  He learned a little about cats and how to take care of a pet.  We also talked about rules of the house, and personal safety and what to do if a stranger comes near you.  I was surprised with the answers he gave me becuase he knew to call 911 in an emergency and to run away and not talk to a stranger.  I can't remember ever talking to him about these things.  It's amazing what kids learn without ever being taught. If you're wondering why we talked about personal safety it's because there were minibooks about this in the Cat in the Hat lapbook.  But really it ties in with the story in that the cat is a stranger and the kids do not follow the rules of the house in the story.

Here are some of the books we used this week in addition to The Cat in the Hat:

Puss in BootsCat the Cat, Who Is That?Your Pet Cat (True Books-Animals)If You Give a Cat a Cupcake (If You Give... Books)


Unknown said...

I am a new follower. Please stop by when you have a chance.

ShinyIndigo said...

One of the grandmas of a classmate of my twins in the 3yr old class, actually dressed up as the Cat, Hat and all! She read some Dr. Seuss books and even posed for pics with the kids and autographed the pics after they were printed. It was pretty cool, and got my kids over their fear of the Cat.

Here on the Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce, followed you on GFC.

C'mon over and visit me at Twice Blessed Life!

Patricia said...

I really like your blog. Can't wait to read more. I am following you via Bounce please follow me.

Unknown said...

Love your blog! So many awesome ideas!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog for the hop!! I am back returning the love!

Darcy said...

I need the If You Give a Cat a Cupcake book! :)

Returning your follow from the Tailspin Hop at Tales From the Nursery.


XLMIC said...

Found you through the I *heart* blogging hop :)

How could I not follow, being another Quinsmomma? ;-)

asliceofsmithlife said...

Love your lapbook, books and activities! Looks like fun! It is amazing what kids pick up (good and bad things) that we as parents don't realize :) Thanks for linking up again to NOBH!