Saturday, August 6, 2011

3 in 30: Goals for August

3in30 Challenge

 This will be the first time I am linking up with 30 in 30.  This is such a wonderful idea.  I have been thinking about joining in for a few month now but just couldn't take that first step.  So here I am.  I am listing my goals and I will follow through on them. You all will hold me accountable, right?

We all know that water is very important for a healthy body.  Well, with running around after the kids and paying attention to diaper changes, naps, school plans, and meals I sometimes forget to drink any water, let alone the 8-8oz. glasses dietitians recommend.  So my goal is by then end of the month I will increase my water drinking to at least 5 glasses a day.

My second goal is a little dirty. Ok, it's a lot dirty.  I am terrible at keeping up with the dishes.  We have a dishwasher.  It's not like I have to wash them by hand.  I just always forget to get the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and then there is no place for the dirty dishes except piled up in the sink where they usually sit until we are out of cups (or plates, or forks, or all of these) and then I empty and load it and wash the needed items by hand.  I hate this.  Well no more.  My goal is everyday to have the dirty dishes loaded in the washer before bed, run it at night, and empty it in the morning.

My third goal this month is a fun one.  I would like to create and complete a weekly family fun day.  Dear hubby only gets one day off a week, Sunday, and we would love to spend some quality time together as a family on this day.  What always seems to happen though is that we spend the first half of the day lounging around talking about what we would like to do that day.  Then we realize that the day is half over and some household chore or other needs to be done.  My goal is to plan two Sunday Fundays and one Family Night for the months of August and September.  If these go well then we will continue making plans for the rest of the year.

So to recap my goals for August:

1. Increase my water drinking to at least 5 glasses a day by the end of the month.
2. Load dirty dishes in the washer before bed, run it at night, and empty it in the morning everyday.
3. Plan two Sunday Fundays and one Family Night for the months of August and September.


Rebecca said...

I LOVE your days and nights are awesome! We have family night on Fridays...we make home made pizza and either play games or watch a movie! Keep it up!!!

Kara Chupp said...

Love these goals...making memories together as a family...
Love this!
Thanks for sharing with NOBH
~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH